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Talk-A variable typeface (prototype)

(EUS) Talk-A variable typeface proiektu esperimental bat da eta, estilistikoki kontrakoak diren, bi eraikinen arteko elkarrizketa letra-tipo aldakor baten bitartez islatzea du helburu.

Letra-iturria Vitoria-Gasteizen kokatua dagoen I·Darte Arte Eta Goimailako Diseinu Eskolaren arkitekturan dago oinarritua; hau osatzen duten eraikin neogotikoaren eta eraikuntza berriaren elkar eragitean hain zuzen ere.

(EN) Talk-A variable typeface is an experimental project that aims to reflect through a variable typeface the dialogue between two buildings, which are stylistically counterposed.

The font is based on the architecture of the School of Art and Superior of Design I·Darte, located in Vitoria-Gasteiz; in the interaction between the neo-gothic building and the new building that compose it.
(EUS) Bi eraikuntzek irakurketa desberdina duten arren, elkarri aurre egiten diote lehia formalik egon gabe eta bien arteko elkarbizitza bi muturrak lotzen dituen letra-tipo aldakor batekin islatu nahi izan da.

Talk-A Grotesk izendatutakoak eraikin berrian errepikatzen diren laukizuzen formako bloke horizontaletan dago oinarrituta eta Serif-a komentu neogotikoaren bertikaltasun eta kontrastean. Lehenaren letren proportzioak eraikin berriaren leihoetatik lortutako "N" letratik abiatu dira eta Talk-A Serifaren oinak aldiz, komentuan errepikatzen diren arku zorrotzetatik.

(EN) Although both constructions have a different reading, they face each other without formal competence and the coexistence between them has been reflected through a variable typeface that unites both extremes.

The so-called Talk-A Grotesk is based on horizontal rectangular blocks that are repeated in the new building and the Serif in the verticality and contrast of the neo-gothic convent. The proportions of the letters of the first have departed from the letter "N" obtained from the windows of the new building, while the feet of the Talk-A Serif have departed from the pointed arches that are repeated in the convent.
(EUS) Proiektu tipografikoa aurkezteko 3 blokeko espezimen fisiko bat garatu da: inspirazioa den eraikinaren argazki liburuxka; letra-iturria aurkezteko beste liburuxka bat; eta erditik tolestuta datozen A3 tamainako, paper begetalezko, 8 poster.

(EN) For the presentation of the typographical project a physical specimen of 3 blocks has been developed: photographic brochure of the inspired building, another brochure for the presentation of the font and 8 posters of vegetable paper folded in half, A3 size.​​​​​​​
(EUS) Proiektua esperimentala izanik, letra-iturria oraindik ez dago ehuneko ehunean erabilgarri eta, horrezkero, alfa bertsio  baten gisara aurkezten da.

(EN) As it is an experimental project, the letter source is not yet fully available and is presented as an alpha version.
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Talk-A variable typeface (prototype)

Talk-A variable typeface (prototype)

Talk-A variable typeface is an experimental project that aims to reflect through a variabletypeface the dialogue between two buildings, which are Read More
